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  • Yang Shangkun and Yang Baibing, who threatened Jiang's support within the military.

    An Heir To Power 2007

  • Yang Shangkun, the President of China and a military lord, whose brother, sons, son-in-law, and other relatives are in key army positions, moved in 350,000 troops to prevent Beijing's 38th Army from interfering when the 27th Army under Yang Shangkun's brother was carrying out the crackdown.

    Archive 2006-11-01 Ellen Beth Gill 2006

  • Yang Shangkun, the President of China and a military lord, whose brother, sons, son-in-law, and other relatives are in key army positions, moved in 350,000 troops to prevent Beijing's 38th Army from interfering when the 27th Army under Yang Shangkun's brother was carrying out the crackdown.

    Mark Kirk Supporter: "The constitution's never protected me, so why should I protect it!!" Ellen Beth Gill 2006

  • Kenjohn Wang (王桂榮), a former president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, once told former Chinese president Yang Shangkun (楊尚昆) that Taiwan and China were like two brothers who had moved away from home and started their own families.

    Taipei Times 2010


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